Summary: Killzone: Mercenary proides a new perspective on the Killzone Universe. You’re not simply an Army grunt folling orders - you’re freelance gun for hire, a merc - a soldier of fortune - someone who doesnt play by the rules or fight for any particular flag. They’re in it for the cheddar. The client might enumerate the objective, but he wont tell you how to do your job. You formulate your own tactics and choose your own weapons; so long as you get the job done. The game provides a full single player Campaign, spread over 9 missions. In addition to the primary missions, there is a new Contracts mode, offering an additional 27 sets of objectives. You select from three difficulty settings; Recruit Trooper and Veteran. The harder the difficulty selected the higher the rewards earned.
FEATURES: • Walkthrough Videos • Read character bios • Guide on every level • Cheats and tricks in level • How to get through Challenge Modes • Manual Game Guide • Trailer Videos • And many more
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